Why Does The UK Love Bread So Much?


Bread is one of those staple products that we all love and buy in the UK. But have you ever visited another country before and realised JUST how much we REALLY love it? At Bread Du Jour, we love how much people care about their bread and the products that they choose.

We have decided to take a look back at where that love stemmed from...We think our fascination with bread started back when the first pre-sliced loaf hit the shelves.

Whilst other countries across the world, still adore craft bakeries, 99% of UK households are purchasing the standard manufactured bread. Having said that, there has been a huge turn in the market recently. More and more people are interested in having a greater variety of product availabe to them. This includes ethnic breads such as pita and naan bread and then there is Artisan bread.

If you read our previous blog, you will know that the Artisan industry continues to grow and grow each year. As the industry continues to grow, so does the consumers taste. No longer do people just want pre-packaged white bread straight from the supermarket shelves. At Bread Du Jour, we're trying to make a difference to restaurants and cafes, by allowing them to freeze, bake-off and sell our Artisan Style products.

With sandwiches making up 50% of the bread consumed in the UK, according to the Federation of Bakers, it is more important than ever, to offer a wide variety of products to consumers. Alongside this, the UK loves to create dishes involving bread as an ingredient, so why not mix things up a little?

We currently provide 20 products, direct to our customers and through wholesalers. We are really proud of our products and we believe our customers are satisfied with the variation and quality they receive, week on week. 


What Goes Into Making Sourdough Bread